Friday 13 April 2012

Young Lady Buchered To Death

A young lady (names withheld) whose plans to get married to her boy friend had already reached advanced stage, met her death in a very gruesome manner recently.
     According to sources, her boyfriend could not contain his jealousy when he realized that his girlfriend had found another man on facebook.
     The facebook contact  all started out like a harmless, friendly chats on  with her new online friend who lives in USA. Soon, the  man began to  make irresistible promises the girl.
    Soon, the girl  developed some kind of affection for the man. Recently, the man was in Nigeria, and the girl went to  met up with him in a hotel room where they spent some time together.
       Somehow, the girl’s fiancĂ© got  to know of this illicit affair and  traced the girl to the hotel room where a big fight ensued.The fight continued until they got home and in the midst of it all, the girl was murdered.

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